Scribus linux
Scribus linux

scribus linux

File formats and application compatibility DMG disk image should open doors to many more users. The DTP world has a significantly higher percentage of Mac users than the overall desktop market, so the availability of an easy-to-install. Scribus developer Peter Linnell described the upgrade to Qt4 as one of the most important advances in the new release, particularly because it made the native OS X package possible. The official release notes indicate that Qt 4.5.0 is the minimum supported version. The only major dependency change is Qt4, up from Qt3 in previous versions.

scribus linux

Distribution-specific installation instructions are provided for Debian and Ubuntu, SUSE, Red Hat and Fedora, CentOS, and Mandriva. Source code and binary packages are available from for Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, and OS/2 (yes, seriously). The new version incorporates substantial tool improvements, new import filters, native rendering for content created with external tools like LaTeX, the ability to create PDF presentations, and a native build for the Mac OS X platform. The popular open source Desktop Publishing (DTP) application Scribus has been bumped up to version 1.3.5, after two years in development. This article was contributed by Nathan Willis

Scribus linux